Donate now to help us build a state of George & Mary Jane Washington!
There are two ways you can donate funds to help build the statue, Through the Centralia Community Foundation or GoFundMe!
The heart of Centralia is a beautiful park donated by George Washington to the city he founded. On this bicentennial year of his birth, the people of Centralia are raising $100,000 to honor our founders with a life-size statue of George & Mary Jane Washington.
We have commissioned renowned bronze artist Jim Stafford to design the sculpture, which will be cast in bronze by Two Ravens Foundry in Tacoma.
We are now accepting donations via the nonprofit Centralia Community Foundation, PO Box 1652, Centralia, WA. Be sure to write “statue” in the memo line!
Help us honor a great man and important historical figure, George Washington of Centralia.
Read more about the statue and bicentennial project in this Feb. 2, 2017 story in The Chronicle: George Washington Bicentennial Celebration: A Party 200 Years in the Making

Sculptor Jim Stafford, right, pours molten bronze at his studio a few miles from Centralia. Stafford is already at work designing a life-size sculpture of George & Mary Jane Washington to be placed in the heart of Centralia.